About Solo

Istilah Solo Raya sebenarnya mengacu pada suatu wilayah yang dahulu dikenal dengan istilah Karesidenan Surakarta ( Eks karesidenan Surakarta ). Karesidenan adalah sebuah wilayah yang dipimpin oleh seorang residen pada masa penjajahan dulu. Dahulu ada Karesidenan Surakarta yang wilayahnya meliputi kota Surakarta, Boyolali, Sukoharjo, Karanganyar, Wonogiri, Sragen, dan Klaten. Wilayah Karesidenan ini serupa dengan wilayah Kerajaan Surakarta Hadiningrat. Keseluruhan wilayah ini menempati area seluas 5.722,38 km2.Istilah Solo raya memang diciptakan untuk menggantikan istilah Subosukawonosraten. Subosukowonosraten adalah singkatan dari wilayah-wilayah yang tergabung yaitu. surakarta,boyoali, sukoharjo, Karang Anyar, Wonogiri sragen. Klaten. Solo Raya memiliki Slogan Solo Spirit of Java. Dengan Slogan itu Solo raya ingin menegakkaan kembali semangat adi luhung budaya jawa dalam pembangunan wilayah.

Bengawan Solo

Bengawan Solo, Riwayatmu ini, Sedari dulu jadi…, Perhatian insani, Musim kemarau., Tak seberapa airmu, Dimusim hujan air.., Meluap sampai jauh, Mata airmu dari Solo, Terkurung gunung seribu, Air meluap sampai jauh, Dan akhirnya ke laut, Itu perahu, Riwayatnya dulu, Kaum pedagang selalu…, Naik itu perahu

Prediction Paraguay vs New Zealand

Mtach Live Prediction Paraguay vs New Zealand - Prediksi Paraguay vs Selandia Baru, Paraguay will be relying on a trio of sharpshooters to reduce the resistance of New Zealand, and the second round of qualifying for the World Cup in 2010. Chris Killen, the All Whites midfielder, said: "Never again underestimate of us." Paraguay leads Group F with four points, the results hold Italy beat Slovakia 1-1 and two goals without reply. New Zealand collected two points, the results hold Slovakia and Italy. All Whites is one of the rim with the lowest raking in the World Cup in 2010. Paraguay's ambitions to become one of the Latin American team that qualified for the second half.

As underdogs, New Zealand will be a favorite for viewers who do not take sides in Polokwane's Peter Mokaba Stadium. In Wellington, and in other cities in New Zealand, people will forget about the rugby - the most popular sport in the country - and sitting in front of the television watching Kiwis boast. For New Zealand, successfully reached two digits are steps away. In 1982, when the first time present at the World Cup, they scored only be mine for the big teams and go home without any points. Trio sniper who became the mainstay of Paraguay is Roque Santa Cruz, Nelson Valdez, and Lucas Barrios. It is they who subvert Slovakia in Paraguay vs New Zealand.
"When we face New Zealand, we are competing in the same altitude as in cualification," said defender Paulo Da Silva. "We just needed a draw, but we want to win." New Zealand, according to Da Silva, showing his ability to play physically in the two matches. All Whites superior ball over, and the savvy to send feedback to the penalty box stomach. "We must be wary of their counter-attack, like we do when faced with Slovakia," said Da Silva.

Gerardo Martino, Paraguay's Argentine coach, will play behind Santa Cruz Barrios and Valdez. He believes this method will be able to overcome the four New Zealand defender Ryan Nelsen commanded. All Whites have experienced handle the pressure. When faced with Italy, the Italian defense bombarded 27 shots - but only seven that led to the wicket and conceded one. New Zealand fired only once to the Italian goalkeeper, and into goal.

New Zealand certainly not going to make changes. Ricki Herbert, the All Whites coach, is confident his team knew what to do when facing Paraguay - Latin American team who would rather play with a European style. "We have not experienced a situation like this, but we've got big balls," said Killen. "That's our mainstay."

Killen was sure there was pressure on the stronghold of Paraguay, not on the side of New Zealand.

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